Who gives the moral authority to kidnap and torture in the name of anti-terrorism? - torture on operating table
In the United States Secret Service, who are accused by the numerous crimes against humanity.
Who has the right to operate them and the authority outside the rule of law?
The Secret Service is a part of the U.S. government.
The Prime Minister George W. Bush.
George W. Bush was elected by the American people.
So to answer your question, in short, are the American people for many atrocities against humanity, is not responsible homework on George W. and, while they think you foolish, that would be a good president.
Not once. But twice.
Dude, the key word in your question has not been tried ". Just because you do not do anything suspect. In addition, he is an outlaw act (US. or international) to respond to a direct threat to the security of the nation.
If you are the names of specific dates and number of victims of genocide, then we'll talk. Otherwise, you have the right to be ignorant about how the government works to stay. Secret Service protecting the president. The CIA is accused of kidnapping and torture. Doing good, or go for it!
I think it was the Red Teletubbie.
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